Virtual Temple of Tutankhamun
NebkheperuRa Amenty Im Waset
of NebkheperuRa West of Thebes"
A place
to learn about and celebrate both ancient Egypt
and modern Egyptian Paganism - Kemeticism
Iu em hotep (welcome)!
Read about Egyptian deities, popular controversies and basic Kemetic
practices in Following the Sun: A Practical Guide to Egyptian Religion.
Click on the cover image to order your copy.
Watch a simple Rite for Osiris and various tutorial videos
on the Kemetic Independent Youtube Channel:
Current Season: updated 1/31/2011
The current season is Peret (also spelled Proyet). You can read more about the Egyptian seasons and holidays in the Egyptian Festival Calendar.Upcoming Holiday: Feast of Min
Photo Gallery:
We've had the tremendous good fortune in the past few years to celebrate a few
Egyptian holiday observances with friends in the local community.Click on the links below to read about the holidays and see a few pictures.
We have a new hit counter, as of 3/15/10! Thanks for visiting!
This site copyright 2010 Sharon LaBorde. Any reproduction of this site without express written consent is prohibited.