Cool Links:

Egypt in the News: Think ancient Egypt is ancient history? Think again!

King Tut Drank Red Wine, Researchers Say

Heart Disease Found in Egyptian Mummies

Sex and Booze Figured in Egyptian Rites

Dust, Damp and Doters Damaging King Tut's Tomb

A Replica Valley of the Kings

King Tut Wore Orthopedic Sandals


Great Places to Go: - The exhibit "Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs" is back by popular demand! Through the official website you can buy tickets or official merchandise. Remember, proceeds will benefit restoration projects throughout Egypt!

KV 63 Official website - This is a chance to watch Egyptology history in the making! KV 63, the latest tomb to be discovered in the Valley of the Kings--notice Tutankhamun's is KV 62--is being cleared and studied right now. This site has great photos, links and updates from archaeologists working the site.

Amarna Research Foundation - Dedicated to restoration and research of the Tell-el Amarna site (formerly Akhetaten) and promoting interest in that time period. Has cool pictures of reconstructive models of the city.

Caroline Seawright's Egyptology Column - Great reference pages on deities and popular Egyptian topics.

Book of the Dead - A modern interpretation and not the original text, but still neat to read.


More links coming soon!



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