First Annual Hab-Sed of Tutankhamun

The Pharaoh's altar with offerings--pepperoni, anyone?

On November 17, 2007, a tiny piece of history was made--for the first time ever, a Hab-Sed , or Sed Feast was held in honor of Tutankhamun. As royal celebrations go, this one was pretty low-key, but it was fun for everyone involved! We're sure that even King Tut himself would say that's how it should be. So what is a Hab Sed, you ask? Here are some hilights...

First off, a little historical background on the Sed Jubilee

Next is a well-earned shout out to our great friends of the Crescent Circle Silver Witches--without you guys, we would've had no party! THANK YOU so much!

Say Hi to the Crescent Circle and friends--including Maggie, who was having so much fun she didn't even look up!

Instead of starting off with the traditional Wiccan calling of the Quarters, our ceremony began with an invocation to the Four Sons of Horus (Imsety, Hapi, Duamutef and Qebehsenuef) who represented the four directions or the four Pillars of the Sky. Maybe it's a good thing we didn't do a typical circle-casting--because right after the opening invocation I remembered we had bread in the oven and had to dash into the kitchen to take it out! Needless to say, that batch of garlic bread didn't make it...!

Just as in ancient times, the focal point of our ritual was commemorating the Pharaoh's crowning as ruler of Egypt. In spite of dying young and his name being almost erased from history, "King Tut", as he is known today, is Egypt's most famous Pharaoh. For so many of us, he is Egypt. The crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt joined on his votive statue, his royal titles were read aloud:

Horus Strong Bull, Beautiful of Birth; Just One of the Two Ladies, Who Calms the
Two Lands and Pleases All the Gods; the Golden Horus, Ruler of Ma'at, Who Pleases the Gods;
King of Upper and Lower Egypt NebkheperuRa; Son of Ra Tutankhamun.

We took a moment to reflect on what's good in our lives; the Hab Sed was about celebrating what's been built, what's been accomplished in life. Amidst that positive energy, the offerings were consecrated--which included a wonderful feast with beef roast, homemade bread and pumpernickel shaped like an Egyptian bread loaf!--with the traditional Egyptian offering spell and we invited Tutankhamun to join us for dinner!

After their first Hab Sed, ancient pharaohs would usually wait another three years or so before holding another one. But as enjoyable as this one was, three years is too long to wait for another good party. So, we hope to see you at the next Hab Sed in 2008!


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