Tameran Quarter Calls

For those interested in Tameran (Egyptian-focused) Wicca, adapting Wiccan formats to Egyptian motifs can sometimes present a challenge. In particular, Egyptian rituals and beliefs did not originally observe the four elements of earth, fire, water, and air. But these four elements are invoked in standard Wiccan circle-castings, so how does one adapt a Tameran equivalent? Below are two possibilites, which invoke the Four Sons of Horus and the Four Rudders (or Oars) of Heaven respectively. You may notice that the orders given (E,W, N, S and N, W, E, S) do not correspond to the traditional Wiccan sequence of E, S, W, N (deosil). These calls follow the order of the original texts they were adapted from, being the Pyramid Texts for the first one and the Book of the Dead for the second. Depending on your preference, or that of your coven, you may wish to adapt the order given.


The Four Sons of Horus: (E W N S)

"Duamutef [doo-AH-mew-TEFF], Adoring His Mother! You live on Ma'at and lean on your staff as watchman of the East!"

"Qebehsenuef [KEB-uh-SEN-yoo-eff], who Cools His Brothers! You live on Ma'at and lean on your staff as watchman of the West!"

"Hapy [HAH-pee], He of Haste! You live on Ma'at and lean on your staff as watchman of the North!"

"Imsety [im-SET-ee], He of the Dill! You live on Ma'at and lean on your staff as watchman of the South!"


The Four Rudders of Heaven: (N W E S)

"Hail, Good Power, Beautiful Rudder of the Northern Sky."

"Hail, Circler of Heaven, Guide of the Two Lands, Beautiful Rudder of the Western Sky."

"Hail, Transfigured One Before the Temples of the Gods, Beautiful Rudder of the Eastern Sky."

"Hail, Foremost Before the Temple Sands, Beautiful Rudder of the Southern Sky."


As a further note, Isian covens do not call Quarters, but rather groups of five. Some Isian covens identify themselves as Wiccan, others do not; if you have an interest in the Isian form of Egyptian Paganism, your best bet will be to either check with your local Pagan community to see if there are any Isian groups near you, or else check on Witchvox, which is an excellent Pagan resource site.


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